Published in 2024

An 8Tx/32Rx head-neck coil at 7T by combining 2Tx/32Rx Nova coil with 6Tx shielded coaxial cable elements

Güler, S., Povaz An, M., Zhurbenko, V. & Zivkovic, I., 16 okt. 2024, I: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

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An algorithm for pharmacological treatment of mania during hospitalisation

Kessing, L. V., Christensen, E. M., Krarup, S. K., Kyster, N., Pedersen, L., Legind, C., Hansen, L., Vejstrup, B., Faurholt-Jepsen, M., Baandrup, L. & Knorr, U., 11 apr. 2024, I: Danish Medical Journal. 71, 5

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An analysis pipeline for understanding 6-thioguanine effects on a mouse tumour genome

Yankilevich, P., Nazerai, L., Willis, S. C., Schmiegelow, K., De Zio, D. & Nielsen, M., 27 jan. 2024, I: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy. 73, 2, s. 22

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An assessment of the value of deep neural networks in genetic risk prediction for surgically relevant outcomes

Christensen, M. A., Sigurdsson, A., Bonde, A., Rasmussen, S., Ostrowski, S. R., Nielsen, M. & Sillesen, M., 2024, I: PLoS One. 19, 7, s. e0294368

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An atlas of GPCRs in dopamine neurons: Identification of the free fatty acid receptor 4 as a regulator of food and water intake

Apuschkin, M., Burm, H. B., Schmidt, J. H., Skov, L. J., Andersen, R. C., Bowin, C.-F., Støier, J. F., Jensen, K. L., Posselt, L. P., Dmytriyeva, O., Sørensen, A. T., Egerod, K. L., Holst, B., Rickhag, M., Schwartz, T. W. & Gether, U., 23 jul. 2024, I: Cell reports. 43, 7, s. 114509

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An educative nutritional intervention supporting older hospital patients to eat sufficiently using eHealth: a mixed methods feasibility and pilot study

Terp, R., Kayser, L. & Lindhardt, T., dec. 2024, I: BMC Geriatrics. 24, 1, 22.

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An exercise and patient education intervention to reduce pain and physical limitations in adults with acetabular dysplasia: study protocol for a process evaluation integrated within a randomised controlled trial (the MovetheHip trial)

Jacobsen, J. S., Evans, R., Morgan, K., Thorborg, K., Oestergaard, L. G. & Sørensen, D., 24 jun. 2024, I: Trials. 25, 1, s. 411

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An in situ depot for the sustained release of a TLR7/8 agonist in combination with a TGFβ inhibitor promotes anti-tumor immune responses

Jensen, S. B., Jæhger, D. E., Serrano-Chávez, E., Halldórsdóttir, H. R., Engel, T. B., Jørgensen, J. S., Björgvinsdóttir, U. J., Kostrikov, S., Scheeper, M. J., Ringgaard, L., Bruun, L. M., Stavnsbjerg, C., Christensen, E., Bak, M., Thuroczy, J., Balogh, L., Jensen, A. T. I., Melander, F., Kjaer, A. & Henriksen, J. R. & 2 flere, Hansen, A. E. & Andresen, T. L., 3 sep. 2024, I: Nature Communications. 15, 1, s. 7687

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An in vivo high-resolution human brain atlas of synaptic density

Johansen, A., Beliveau, V., Colliander, E., Raval, N. R., Dam, V. H., Gillings, N., Aznar, S., Svarer, C., Plavén-Sigray, P. & Knudsen, G. M., 12 jul. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The Journal of Neuroscience.

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An inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine based on a Vero cell culture-adapted high-titer virus confers cross-protection in small animals

Offersgaard, A., Duarte Hernandez, C. R., Zhou, Y., Duan, Z., Gammeltoft, K. A., Hartmann, K. T., Fahnøe, U., Marichal-Gallardo, P., Alzua, G. P., Underwood, A. P., Sølund, C., Weis, N., Bonde, J. H., Christensen, J. P., Pedersen, G. K., Jensen, H. E., Holmbeck, K., Bukh, J. & Gottwein, J. M., 24 jul. 2024, I: Scientific Reports. 14, 1, s. 17039

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An International Multicenter Cohort Study on Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators for the Treatment of Symptomatic Children with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

Lamba, A., Roston, T. M., Peltenburg, P. J., Kallas, D., Franciosi, S., Lieve, K. V. V., Kannankeril, P. J., Horie, M., Ohno, S., Brugada, R., Aiba, T., Fischbach, P., Knight, L., Till, J., Kwok, S-Y., Probst, V., Backhoff, D., LaPage, M. J., Batra, A. S., Drago, F., & 27 flereHaugaa, K., Krahn, A. D., Robyns, T., Swan, H., Tavacova, T., Atallah, J., Borggrefe, M., Rudic, B., Sarquella-Brugada, G., Chorin, E., Hill, A., Kammeraad, J., Kamp, A., Law, I., Perry, J., Roberts, J. D., Tisma-Dupanovic, S., Semsarian, C., Skinner, J. R., Tfelt-Hansen, J., Denjoy, I., Leenhardt, A., Schwartz, P. J., Ackerman, M. J., Wilde, A. A. M., van der Werf, C. & Sanatani, S., 6 apr. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Heart Rhythm.

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An International, Expert-based, Delphi Consensus Document on Controversial Issues in the Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Paraskevas, K. I., Schermerhorn, M. L., Haulon, S., Beck, A. W., Verhagen, H. J. M., Lee, J. T., Verhoeven, E. L. G., Blankensteijn, J. D., Kölbel, T., Lyden, S. P., Clair, D. G., Faggioli, G., Bisdas, T., D'Oria, M., Mani, K., Sörelius, K., Gallitto, E., Fernandes E Fernandes, J., Katsargyris, A. & Lepidi, S. & 24 flere, Vacirca, A., Myrcha, P., Koelemay, M. J. W., Mansilha, A., Zeebregts, C. J., Pini, R., Dias, N. V., Karelis, A., Bosiers, M. J., Stone, D. H., Venermo, M., Farber, M. A., Blecha, M., Melissano, G., Riambau, V., Eagleton, M. J., Gargiulo, M., Scali, S. T., Torsello, G. B., Eskandari, M. K., Perler, B. A., Gloviczki, P., Malas, M. & Dalman, R. L., 13 aug. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Journal of Vascular Surgery.

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An interview study about how nurses and physicians talk about the same concepts differently

Holgaard, R., Bruun, B., Zingenberg, F. & Dieckmann, P., 26 jun. 2024, I: BMC Medical Education. 24, 1, s. 698

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An objective skill assessment framework for microsurgical anastomosis based on ALI scores

Gholami, S., Manon, A., Yao, K., Billard, A. & Meling, T. R., 24 feb. 2024, I: Acta Neurochirurgica. 166, 1, s. 104

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An SMS chatbot digital educational program to increase healthy eating behaviors in adolescence: A multifactorial randomized controlled trial among 7,890 participants in the Danish National Birth Cohort

Bjerregaard, A. A., Zoughbie, D. E., Hansen, J. V., Granström, C., Strøm, M., Halldórsson, Þ. I., Meder, I. K., Willett, W. C., Ding, E. L. & Olsen, S. F., jun. 2024, I: PLOS Medicine. 21, 6, s. e1004383

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Anaemia in the first trimester and poor physiological plasma expansion during pregnancy negatively impact foetal weight and newborn anthropometrics: An observational cohort study in Tanzania

Schmiegelow, C., Møller, S. L., Yde, A. M., Nielsen, B. B., Hjort, L., Theander, T. G., Lusingu, J. P. A., Minja, D. T. R. & Bygbjerg, I. C., 8 jan. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Anaesthesia praCtice for Caesarean dElivery Snapshot Study (ACCESS): Protocol and baseline characteristics of registered centres

Weiniger, C. F., Brogly, N., Lustig, A., Van Den Bosch, O. F. C., Kranke, P., Lucas, N., Morau, E., Eklund, K., Gunaydin, B., Romero, C. S. & Afshari, A., 26 apr. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.

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Anal sphincter function in rectal intussusception and high and low "take-off" external rectal prolapse-A prospective observational study

O'Connor, A., Byrne, C. M., Heywood, N., Davenport, M., Klarskov, N., Sharma, A., Kiff, E. & Telford, K., 6 okt. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Colorectal Disease.

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Analyses of 1,236 genotyped primary ciliary dyskinesia individuals identify regional clusters of distinct DNA variants and significant genotype-phenotype correlations

Raidt, J., Riepenhausen, S., Pennekamp, P., Olbrich, H., Amirav, I., Athanazio, R. A., Aviram, M., Balinotti, J. E., Bar-On, O., Bode, S. F., Boon, M., Borrelli, M., Carr, S. B., Crowley, S., Dehlink, E., Diepenhorst, S., Durdik, P., Dworniczak, B., Emiralioğlu, N., Erdem, E., & 46 flereFonnesu, R., Gracci, S., Große-Onnebrink, J., Gwozdziewicz, K., Haarman, E. G., Hansen, C. R., Hogg, C., Holgersen, M. G., Kerem, E., Körner, R. W., Kötz, K., Kouis, P., Loebinger, M. R., Lorent, N., Lucas, J. S., Maj, D., Mall, M. A., Marthin, J. K., Martinu, V., Mazurek, H., Mitchison, H. M., Nöthe-Menchen, T., Özçelik, U., Pifferi, M., Pogorzelski, A., Ringshausen, F. C., Roehmel, J. F., Rovira-Amigo, S., Rumman, N., Schlegtendal, A., Shoemark, A., Sperstad Kennelly, S., Staar, B. O., Sutharsan, S., Thomas, S., Ullmann, N., Varghese, J., von Hardenberg, S., Walker, W. T., Wetzke, M., Witt, M., Yiallouros, P., Zschocke, A., Ziętkiewicz, E., Nielsen, K. G. & Omran, H., 13 jun. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: European Respiratory Journal.

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